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Can Men Do The HCG Diet?

Can Men Do The HCG Diet?

YES! Men can do the HCG Diet and use HCG Drops with great success. Men actually lose weight faster than women. HCG is a hormone normally produced by pregnant women which permits your body to pull additional calories from your excess fat when integrated with a low...
HCG Diet Apple Day

HCG Diet Apple Day

Having an Apple Day can help you break an HCG plateau. A plateau is a 3-4 day period in your HCG Diet where you are not losing weight. This is also called an HCG Diet Stall and must be handled accordingly. Some individuals don’t understand how the HCG apple day is...
Why should I do the HCG Diet?

Why should I do the HCG Diet?

A very real weight loss cure is something that Dr. Simeons stumbled across in the 70’s when using human chorionic gonadotropin. He found this while looking for a solution to eradicate malnutrition from under developed countries. He found the presence of HCG in...
Maintaining weight loss after the HCG diet

Maintaining weight loss after the HCG diet

Your life after the HCG diet can be one of the most exciting times for you if you let it. Many individuals experience positive momentum in other areas in their life because of the confidence boost that losing weight can give you. The Drops may have been a weight loss...
HCG Diet After Having A Baby

HCG Diet After Having A Baby

Most Women who have a little belly fat left over from pregnancy would like to get rid of that as soon as possible. So, how long do you have to wait before doing the HCG Diet? Everyone knows that having a baby in your tummy for 9 months can really change the look of a...


The HCG Diet Steak Day is used when you hit a plateau point or stall in your weight loss during the HCG Diet. Most people who do the HCG Diet will get to a point where they stall or will stop losing weight for a few days in a row. This period is known as a plateau and...