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Kurt the HCG Warrior here.  Someone recently posted a picture inside our private Facebook group that made my jaw go racing towards the floor. Did you know this is what 5 pounds of fat looks like? How wild is that? Now let me ask you this… How much do you think your...

Slow Roasted Beef Brisket ( low calorie)

Slow Roasted Beef Brisket ( low calorie)

Welcome back to another delicious edition of Tasty Tuesdays... A weekly email series where I share mouthwatering recipes that are sure to make you the culinary hero in your home. And with the winds of winter soon upon us… I thought it might be a good idea to share a...

Is it too late for me to succeed?

Is it too late for me to succeed?

Only seven years after graduating from college, Joanne saw herself as a complete and total failure. Her marriage had fallen apart. She was jobless with a dependent child. And to make matters even worse, she was also depressed, suicidal, and living on welfare, too. In...

Guilt-Free Caramel Apple Pie 🥧🍎

Guilt-Free Caramel Apple Pie 🥧🍎

Welcome back for another Tasty recipe! This is where I share mouthwatering recipes for your cooking and eating pleasure And considering I’ve got a hankerin’ for something sweet… Why not share my favorite “healthy dessert” recipe of all? Yup, you read that right…...

If you ever wake up with a belly full of regret

If you ever wake up with a belly full of regret

A few days back, a fellow HCG Warrior sent me a message that struck a powerful chord. She said: “Kurt, I’m afraid. I’m afraid if I don’t fully commit to the HCG protocol, I’ll keep looking at my past with a belly full of regret. I’m afraid I’ll never get to experience...

Fabulous French Onion Soup!

Fabulous French Onion Soup!

Hey kurt - Kurt the HCG Warrior here. Here is another delicious low calorie recipe! A weekly email series where I share super healthy recipes that are quick to whip up and scrumdiddlyumptious to eat. And given the colder months are quickly approaching… I thought it...

The Bamboo Story

The Bamboo Story

Kurt the HCG Warrior here. Do you ever feel like you're making little (if any) progress towards your weight-loss goals? And no matter how hard you try, how diligently you work, or how patiently you persevere... You’re just not moving forward? It’s frustrating. I know....

Low Calorie Cream of Chicken Soup

Low Calorie Cream of Chicken Soup

Kurt the HCG Warrior here. Here is another low calorie tasty dish for you! A mouthwatering recipe is about to get signed, sealed and delivered straight to your email inbox! You ready? Last week, I mentioned I’d be spending the next little while diving deep into the...

Doctors said it was impossible

Doctors said it was impossible

“If you try to accomplish this feat, you will die.” That’s what doctors told Roger Bannister before he attempted to become the first human to run the mile in under 4 minutes. Despite their “expert” advice, he pushed forward anyway. And on the morning of May 6th, 1954…...

Low Calorie Chili for the HCG Diet

Low Calorie Chili for the HCG Diet

Hey kurt - Kurt the HCG Warrior here. Guess what? I got a great low calorie chili recipe for you! “What does that mean, Kurt?” Well, my fine-feathered little fledgling… That means I’m comin’ in HOT with another delicious recipe you can whip up quick and potentially...

If today was your last day…

If today was your last day…

Someone recently asked me… "If today was your LAST day alive, what would you regret?" A scary thought, right? It's hard to comprehend taking our last breath. And not because of death itself, either. What really makes it hard is thinking about all the things you may...

How To Avoid Getting Boiled Alive

How To Avoid Getting Boiled Alive

Ever hear the story about the boiled frog? It's based on a fascinating 19th-century science experiment that can teach us A LOT about life. Especially how to put an end to things like runaway weight-gain once and for all. As the story goes… Researchers took a live frog...