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Amanda Ericson

Certified Nutrition Specialist

Only seven years after graduating from college, Joanne saw herself as a complete and total failure. Her marriage had fallen apart. She was jobless with a dependent child. And to make matters even worse, she was also depressed, suicidal, and living on welfare, too. In her own words… She was “as poor as someone could […]
A few days back, a fellow HCG Warrior sent me a message that struck a powerful chord. She said: “Kurt, I’m afraid. I’m afraid if I don’t fully commit to the HCG protocol, I’ll keep looking at my past with a belly full of regret. I’m afraid I’ll never get to experience what it’s TRULY […]
Kurt the HCG Warrior here. Do you ever feel like you’re making little (if any) progress towards your weight-loss goals? And no matter how hard you try, how diligently you work, or how patiently you persevere… You’re just not moving forward? It’s frustrating. I know. I struggled with that myself for years. But here’s the […]
“If you try to accomplish this feat, you will die.” That’s what doctors told Roger Bannister before he attempted to become the first human to run the mile in under 4 minutes. Despite their “expert” advice, he pushed forward anyway. And on the morning of May 6th, 1954… He defied the odds and did the […]
Someone recently asked me… “If today was your LAST day alive, what would you regret?” A scary thought, right? It’s hard to comprehend taking our last breath. And not because of death itself, either. What really makes it hard is thinking about all the things you may have wanted to do… But never actually made […]